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Senin, 11 November 2013

Better to prevent before pain

Better to prevent before pain

In Oral HealthTherapies disease medicine and so many of us encounter , what else nowadays with the advancement of internet technology we can learn many things especially in the field of oral health . No longer lay public about oral health . But in reality there are many of us go to the dentist to treat and not to prevent . It is also important to realize by medical colleagues to always provide prevention guidance to patients . We need to realize success a treatment measures can not only be achieved by one party alone , but must be a partnership between the patient and the doctors themselves .Prevention of disease is very important but often forgotten or deliberately ignored . But be aware it is actually cheaper to prevent disease than to treat , so why not prevent pain before ? Some of us may not know exactly how to prevent and treat oral health that is maintained well , actually not necessarily at high cost and can be done alone at home . Here are some ways general do to prevent gum disease .

Maintaining oral hygiene ( removing plaque and bacteria ) . Maintaining cleaning mouth can be done in many ways one of the most effective ways is to brush your teeth regularly , so that we can break the chain of causes of caries and other oral diseases .
Strengthen teeth ( with Flour ) . How to strengthen teeth by using flour is to use toothpaste that contains flour . But some of us may still believe and use betel leaves to nourish the tooth . But most sanagt is not recommended brushing teeth or using bricks with clay , some people still use this method in hopes teeth look cleaner and stronger . But in fact the use of brick instead will erode tooth enamel .
Reduce consumption of sugary foods and sticky . The food we eat is an important nutrient for our body , but some foods may not be suitable for our oral health , in fact it is not allowed but if we consume sugary and sticky foods should brush your teeth afterwards with a clean live that the remnants of food it does not stick to the teeth that will accelerate the process of caries and other oral diseases .
Familiarize consumption of fibrous foods and healthy teeth . Fiber food than good for your health is also good for oral health . For those who like to use a toothpick after eating to clean up the leftovers try to replace the toothpicks with fruits such as apples , melons , papaya , etc. . These fruits will help us to clean up wasted food stuck in between our teeth .
Once we know how this is useful to begin to share this knowledge to the people closest to us so that later they can remind us if we forget , is not it better to give than to receive ? Actually most of us already know , but for various reasons that did not do the things mentioned above . So start getting people nearby and you care to both maintain oral health .Maybe it's better if you stick was tafel writings , bathroom or your room dining . From the description above can be abbreviated like this :

Brush your teeth at least 2 times that after breakfast and before bedtime .
Use fine -bristled toothbrush and toothpaste berflouride .
Brush the entire surface of the teeth for 2 minutes , and rinse just 1 time .
Eat less sugary and sticky foods ( no more than 2 times between meals ) .
Eating fibrous fruit as a dessert .
May be useful for all of us, good luck 

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